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Donemana Primary School, Donemana, Co Tyrone

P2/3 Gruffalo Week

24th Jan 2021

'A mouse took a stroll

through the deep dark wood.

A fox saw the mouse

and the mouse looked good.'

Julia Donaldson


Welcome to Gruffalo week!  As well as working hard on their paper packs P2/3 have been listening to, 'The Gruffalo' and completing lots of different activities.  I'm sure you'll agree they've done a super job.

If you'd like to hear the story of, 'The Gruffalo' just head over to our Home Learning section on the DPS website and you can listen to the story there.

Carla's descriptive writing
Carla's descriptive writing
Jack's senses work and Gruffalo
Jack's senses work and Gruffalo
Joey's senses writing
Joey's senses writing
Logan's senses writing
Logan's senses writing