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Donemana Primary School, Donemana, Co Tyrone

P1/2 Pictograms

13th Mar 2020

P1 and P2 were learning about Pictograms today.  We decided to talk about our favourite flavour of ice-cream.  The children drew a picture of their favourite ice-cream and used these drawings to make a pictogram.  Mrs Hay then asked them some questions about the data and they were able to talk about the most popular and least popular flavours, those the same number of children liked and order the preferences - clever boys and girls.

Mrs Hay and Joanne then thought that it wasn't fair to think about ice-cream all morning and not to have any so we finished our numeracy lesson with a little ice-cream cone for all of our wonderful little mathematicians.  The boys and girls were very kind and had an ice-cream for our wonderful Miss Browne too!