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Donemana Primary School, Donemana, Co Tyrone

Learning in the Sun!

13th May 2021

P2/3 had a lovely change of scenery today.  After all the rain and HAILSTONES of last week we were able to get outdoors for some learning in the sun.

P2 were revising their keywords with the 'Run and Say' team game where they raced each other to be the first to find and shout out the choosen word.  Elaine, our new Classroom Assistant made it even trickier by asking them to find the opposite of words and words that had particular sounds.  P2 so enjoyed their game that I don't think they even realised they were revising and learning at all yet everyone knew so many of their words by the end - well done P2 and Elaine!

P3 were completing their daily spellings using the prerecorded voice boxes.  They first had to search for them and make sure they had completed all ten before returning to base where we checked the spellings and thought of new ways to remember the trickier ones.  Spelling Shed is paying off as we had almost 100% in our results today.  Well done to the P3 children.

We're all hoping for more learning in the sun over the next month so really hope this better weather is here to stay!